Muzyka Centrum

Muzyka Centrum
is a society of performers of contemporary music, founded in June 1977. It organizes concerts, festivals. workshops, recordings, outdoor and net projects. Till the end of 2023 the society has organized 1172 concerts presenting approximately 800 Polish and World premiers, repertoire in part dedicated to Muzyka Centrum Ensemble. Since 1991 till 2007 Muzyka Centrum was a member of the European Conference of Promoters of New Music. The society cooperates with modern art organizers, festivals and new music ensembles.
The main international projects of Muzyka Centrum: 

Audio Art Festival 


European Modern Orchestra 

International Workshops of New Music 

Polish Sound Art in China / Chinese Sound Art in Poland 

European Course for Musical Composition and Technologies 


Festival for Polish Culture in Luxembourg 

The Milosz Compass 


Muzyka Centrum Time Machine

The society combines several ensembles. The oldest one is the Muzyka Centrum Ensemble, a group with variable set of instruments synchronized with each program. MCE has participated in prestigous international projects including Ensemble Spiel, Bridges, Avantgarde Tirol, Polish Cultural Autumn in Belarus, Polish-German Year, Year of Poland and NordRehn/Westfalen, Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki Festival, Cage Conference. MCE's sophisticated repertoire includes open forms, graphic scores, instrumental theatre, music based on the latest technology, and projects with audiovisual, interactive and performance art elements. In 2005 Muzyka Centrum Orchestra was founded as a part of the European Modern Orchestra project. The orchestra combines soloists of the society with young musicians specializing in contemporary music.


Muzyka Centrum Art Society

Starowislna str. 3

31-038 Krakow



P.O. Box 42

31-960 Krakow


tel/fax: +48.12.2676195


NIP 676-17-72-185

KRS: 0000236069

Regon: 000965499

Account in zloties: mBank nr. 73114020040000310280728737, VAT 89114020040000320300782568

Account in euro:  mBank IBAN PL75 1140 2004 0000 3912 1366 2863, Swift/BIC BRXPLPWMBK

Main Board

President - Marek Choloniewski

Vicepresident - Mariusz Czarnecki

Secretary - Boguslawa Hubisz-Sielska

Treasurer - Adam Radzikowski